Monday, October 11, 2010

No Snoozin'

After hitting the alarm a mere 4 times I'm up and at 'em for a ten minute workout.
Doesn't sound like much but coming off of 3 years of 0 minute workouts I think it's a start.
And I'm pretty proud of myself for those 10 minutes, because I really pushed myself the whole time.

Of course a Monday would be an official weigh day but we haven't gotten there yet.
I"m hoping it's a few pounds shy of my highest so I don't start off on too much of a bad note.
It's also 1600 calorie Monday, tracking and totaling and rationing at the end of the day begins now.

My arms hurt from my ten minute 'dancer arm' workout. Even though I hated waking up earlier than normal, and exercising is no fun, I like to feel that kind of pain. And this 10 minute workout dvd isn't so bad, 10 minute isn't that much to spare.
I'm already starving, because that's how I start out my day, hungry.

Goals for today:
DON'T SELF SABOTAGE! After work, or after the kids go to bed DO NOT eat junk food.

That's it, only one goal (actually I've already accomplished the 'workout' goal for today :))

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